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Learning Points

What we have learnt as a team collectively? Click this slideshow to find out more!


Benjamin David

Finance Lead

Marketing Lead

Problem solving, my mind had been so focused and determined on looking in that particular industry that I lost an easy option that was right in front of me. 

 I believe that my recent solutioning process has improved not only in my academics but in my personal life as well


Goh Jun Xian

Assistant Team Lead

Programme Lead

I felt like there has been a growth of my problem solving skill. However, I faced an obstacle when I was blocked with a change of plans and terms that I was unable to agree to. In the end, I'm glad we managed to utilise the resources already available to us.

Individual Affective Learning Points


Petra Chan

Team Lead 

Product Lead

I had taken it upon myself to delegate work and be the main disseminator of information, which is not my usual style.  I had pushed myself to use a learnt style of increased communication and delegating of work as I saw that it was needed within the team for effective team management


Teo Mei Mei

Community Analyst

Assistant Designer

I personally learnt that being a social enterprise is not a easy thing to do.  I learnt that “selling “ can have more than one definition ,it can also “pay forward” and not necessarily direct sales. This has made me more open to innovative solutioning.


Neo Kai Ting

Social Media Lead

Design Lead

I grew in openness and adaptability . I realised that I wasn't very open or receptive to ideas that differed from others. Now, I have definitely gotten more receptive to different ideas. I also learnt how to better deal with changes and move on

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