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To have an impact on the community and people that buy our game, we need our product to be sustainable. Here are some ways we plan on doing this!

Economy of Scale


This will be the easiest option for us to reduce cost and make our game more accessible. With costs dropping by a substantial amount when getting quotations for 2 sets and 30 sets, we see it as good chance if we increase the order amount the costs will be cheaper as well. 

Diversifying our Reach

An easy way to expand our reach is to not limit ourselves to just the English language. As Singapore has 3 common languages other than English, these are opportunities for us to take. Currently, we have done the Chinese Version

Additional Features

Group 5 Building Bridges Project Validation (6).png

Some said when creating our game that they might want to see more games. At the time, we were not able to accommodate for those needs. However, we do have plans to do so with Chapteh and Chopsticks being our next Challenges to add

Follow up action - Sustaining Relationships


We do not want to lose our bonds we have created with people that we have partnered. This is a good opportunity for us to make them an asset of sorts for us to engage with a wider audience.  We hope to continue working with University of 3rd Age, SBL Vision Family Service Centre and Thye Hua Kwan in the future

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